#249 Sm Sq Cabana by Nell Mercier
Nell Mercier

Boston artist Nell Mercier is an oil painter with a focus on painting miniatures. Her jewelry line of miniature oil paintings includes pendants, bracelets, and buckles. Her miniatures are painted on wood panels and set in sterling silver.


Nell received her BFA in graphic design from Miami University in Ohio and continued her art training over the years under the wise guidance of her sister, fellow North Water Gallery artist Meg Mercier. Her paintings reflect her design background, as well as her study of classical and impressionistic painting traditions.


Formerly a Pre-Kindergarten teacher, Nell turned to painting as a way to reintroduce art into her life. After feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of filling large canvases, she began painting miniatures. Nell quickly discovered an affinity for painting small, precise scenes, many inspired by nature and the sea coast, and began creating her now-popular pendants and other wearable art. 


Nell strives to capture in each miniature painting a strong graphic composition enhanced by the rich palette of colors that oil paints afford.


Artifacts Blog: Sisters Nell and Meg Mercier

#249 Sm Sq Cabana
Nell Mercier
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